
The Water and Sewer Division is  responsible for the maintenance and repair of the water distribution mains, fire hydrants, water meters and service lines along with the maintenance of the collection system’s sewer mains, lift stations, and grinder pumps. Our goal is to provide the City with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water and provide for safe collection and transmission of wastewater through the City’s underground sewer mains to protect public safety, health and the environment.

The City currently has four (4) elevated water tanks and ten (10) water wells that draw from groundwater sources called the Sparta and Cockfield formation aquifers. The City of Brandon has thirty-three (33) lift stations used to pump wastewater and transport it to the West Rankin Utility Authority to be treated.

Our water operators take routine samples and monitor our treatment process to ensure the City of Brandon drinking water supply meets or exceeds State and Federal drinking water standards. Every year the City of Brandon provides its citizens an Annual Drinking Water Quality Report.
